Perceived need of the nurse in mental health care in the school environment

  • Marta González Roade Unidad de agudos de psiquiatría del hospital  Álvaro Cunqueiro de Vigo
  • Antonio Serrano García Unidad de psiquiatría de enlace. Hospital Universitario de León.
Keywords: related to school, mental health nurse, perceived need, mental disorders


Introduction and objectives. The objective of the study is to know the perceived need for a nurse with specific training in mental health in the school environment, given the great importance of child-adolescent mental disorders at present.

Methodology. This is a cross-sectional descriptive observational study carried out in 3 pre-school, primary and secondary schools in Galicia (Valmiñor area).

Results. The teachers show a greater perception of knowledge in attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders and bullying situations, presenting a lower perception in the prevention of suicidal behavior, in situations of drug use and child abuse. Parents show a greater perception of knowledge in situations of bullying and eating disorders, presenting a lower perception in prevention of suicidal behavior and autism spectrum disorders. The presence of a nurse for physical pathology care is considered necessary in 89% and for mental health care in 84.1%.

Conclusions. The higher perception of knowledge about mental health of the untrained staff and the lower perceived importance of the mental health nurse in a school center could have as a common link a lower perceived importance of mental health with respect to physical health. It is necessary to delve into the archetypal beliefs of the different population groups about mental health and carry out interventions aimed at reducing myths and stigma.

How to Cite
González Roade, M., & Serrano García, A. (2022). Perceived need of the nurse in mental health care in the school environment. NURSING AND HEALTH TIMES, 3(11), 28-38. Retrieved from
Childhood and adolescent care