Introduction. Central venous ports with subcutaneous reservoir forearm implants provide an alternative for patients with aggressive and prolonged chemotherapy treatments. The objective of the study was to update the knowledge about the management and care of this type of catheters through the latest articles published in this regard to make a safe protocol for the administration of treatments and subsequent sealing by the nursing staff.
Methodology. A bibliographic review was done using different databases, including Cochrane, Pubmed or Google Scholar. The inclusion criteria were those articles from 2012 to the present and the exclusion criteria for articles that did not fit the study theme.
Results. The guidelines on the management of reservoirs do not show homogeneity in their recommendations, which are based mainly on expert opinions. The techniques of venous blood extraction and perfusion of fluids and blood products through the catheter, the treatment termination procedure, and reservoir heparinization were described. Finally, the necessary care for the catheter and health education for the patients who carried it were described too.
Conclusions. The puncture and withdrawal of the needle from the subcutaneous reservoir should be performed sterile and by qualified staff. Proper use of the device reduces the occurrence of complications and improves patient safety. The training of nursing staff in the use of these devices is essential for quality and safety care.