Influence of a calisthenics program on CPR quality
Introduction: the objective of this study is to know if there is improvement physically after performing a calisthenics training program and evaluate the influence on CPR quality.
Methodology: quasi-experimental design was conducted. 29 women were divided into two groups: control group (CG), formed by 11 women and experimental group (EG), formed by 18 women. Two 10 minutes CPR test (T1 and T2) were performed, preceded by a descriptive data collection. Between two test, it spent six weeks during EG was conducting a calisthenics training program during five weeks.
Results: significant differences were observed when comparing weight´s (p = 0,017), BMI´s (p = 0,039) and lean body mass’ (p = 0,044) T1 with T2. Significant differences were not observed when comparing 2 minutes’ interval chest compression quality with 4 minutes’ interval (p = 0,059) and 10 minutes’ interval (p = 0,134) in EG’s T2. Significant differences were not observed in EG´s T1. Significant differences were not observed when comparing 2 minutes’ interval CPR quality with 4 minutes’ interval (p = 0,720) and 10 minutes’ interval (p = 0,219) in EG’s T2. Significant differences were observed in EG’s T1.
Conclusion: Results suggest a relationship between physical development and CPR quality. Further researches are necessary to conclude if is necessary to conduct a training program.